Friday, May 29, 2009

Mata Nui LEGO Magazine Article

I'm not sure wether this is exclusive to Brickmaster or not (They sent me a Brickmaster issue instead of my normal issue for my birthday) but there was a Mata-Nui article in my LEGO Magazine this month. Third page. He looks SOOO cool. ('Course Yellow is my third favorite color so that may have something to do with it...)
Here's what the article says:

A Legend Reborn!

The powerful Mata Nui is coming to the world of Bara Manga - But will he save the planet and its people, or bring disaster?
Wearing the incredible Mask of Life and carrying a Scarab sheild and Thornax launcher, Mata Nui will face new and terrible dangers on the desert planet. Buried beneath its sands are secrets long forgotten by the Agori and the Glatorian - Secrets that may change everything Mata Nui knows about himself anf his universe.

----End article here----

Also, "Click" will be in an exclusive September-October Brickmaster set. The description reads:
"This scarabax beetle is an important ally of Mata Nui on the planet of Bara Manga."

Friday, May 15, 2009


I apologize for the following things:

  • Not posting lately. Been sick then busy then sick again.
  • Quitting Funkeys for a while. Got bored, having all the gems possible. I'll be back by the next update.
  • Not throwing Funkey Savers parties. I'm saving up for a HUGE one.
  • Not sending Funkey Savers E-mails. Sorry, my forum kept spamming me. So did WOC, but now I think both stopped so I can get back to it ASAP.
  • My glitchy cho tracker which always says I'm online. Don't believe it, it is only a glitch.

I got alot of interesting stuff to post that I found while I was sick, busy, sick.