OK, I TOOK PERFECT CARE OF CADENCE AND SHE RAN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S BECAUSE OF THE PUFFLE HEALTH GLITCH!!! Grrr!!! If my Yellow Puffle Lemony runs away, I'm quitting Club Penguin for good.
Followers I just wanted to get it out there that I will remove you as a follower if your picture is of yourself.
Important information
Posting Why didn't you post my comment? If your comment is too negative, has only one word that doesn't make sense alone, has any fowl language, if it has too many "!!!"s, or a real name or specific adress I won't post it. On the location note: You may declare area (E.g. Central Virginia), but no specific adresses like street or house number. What if I like UB Funkeys but not Club Penguin, or vice versa? Then just don't read or post to the topics about the one you don't like. Using this site I hope to bring many of you guys that only play one of them to the other so that you'll be playing both and understand and be willing to read all posts, but if you don't want to, you don't have to.
It's me, Pteprocks! My Unique Funkey name is, you guessed it, Pteprocks! My Penguin Name is, you didn't guess it, 72aqua! My Network name is Trainking59. If you see me around, go ahead and say hi. I drop a bombshell on people: My favorite funkey is no longer Ptep, but Raj.
Bye, Cadence...
2 of my puffles ran away lotes(black puffle) and drift(yellow puffle) :(
thats what happened to me!
We may be facing one of the most terrible glitches in Club Penguin's history...
Glitches are the WORST KIND of glitches...
Yup my puffle, Poptropican ran away. I can't stand this!
i never got a glitch in cp.
BTW My dad says I can be a CP member!
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