Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Paradox Green-- Update, plus insider Rastro pictures (The first Rastro pictures???)

I put a ??? up there because I'm not sure yet... Anyway,

Paradox green update! It's FINALLY here!!!!!!!! With the help of 3 portal jammers, I got into the zone, got into Rastro's game room-- And bought TONS of Rastro's items in the process-- AND played Rastro's game!!! I played it with a good buddy from the Forum, Roxas, who's UFN is Pit272.

Story summary:

The Nectar came home and found the Maul in the Nectar's honey. So now they've gone running off to the Hidden Realm to settle their differences (That sounds like the Bomble VS Raj story! lol). It's a busy day, because the Paradox Green portal has also been opened! Paradox Green is the birthplace of Dr. Tinker. Once in Paradox Green, you meet the Keeper of the Tree, who tells you about Paradox Green. (I think he's Dr. Tinker's cousin, and if you see him you'll know why) The Tree helps such coexistance take place, that even the four seasons live together in Paradox Green. The Tadd live in the Fall. The Ace live in the Winter. The Mulch live in the Spring. The Rastro live in the summer. Unfortunately, not all is as peaceful in Paradox Green as it was. Just before the Great Disaster, Paradox Green had a disaster of it's own. A series of trenches has formed, seperating the four seasons. The Henchmen 2.0 have also showed up. The Henchmen 2.0 are a bigger, badder, meaner version of the Henchmen. Not only are they stealing Funkeys' coins, but they are also performing organized attacks on the Tree, which holds Paradox Green together.


Paradox Green Portal

Paradox Green Rarities

Nectar and Maul's new home-- Two new Funkey Fighters Funkeys

The Tadd Pad

Ace Hangar

Mulch's Game Room

Rastro's Game Room, Outside

Rastro's Game Room, Inside

Rastro's Mart

Rastro's Game, Rasteriods

Mulch's Recycling Quiz, a Quiz in Paradox Green.

The Paradox Green Map

Henchmen, 2.0

Henchmen 2.0's game, not very hard at all

I'll have more about Rastro's game tomorrow. Right now, though, I gots ta go.


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

i can put these henchman to the scrap heap!

Anonymous said...

A yes my funkeys should be coming soon i cant wait (ap)

Onewa80 said...

Awesome(yes the FIRST rastro pics)!I'm atempting the first MULCH pics!!! I LOVE MULCH!
BTW pteppy you havn't been at ubfunkeys.synthasite in a while! I was wanting to chat with you some time.


Anonymous said...

I am very pleased with your blog. You do a very good job with your Funkey info and pictures. I've been away for a while but I will be sure to mention your blog on our site! Enjoy your new Funkey Games and shopping sprees!

Tamara - Owner