Thursday, October 30, 2008

Haloween on CP... Spooktackular!

BOO! Ha-ha! Gotcha didn't I? What? No? Oh, okay then. Anyway, CP is in it's err... I think 4th Haloween Party? Well, it's ghouler than last years!

Here is the solution to the Candy Hunt.

Start in the Snow Forts- You'll probably need a basket, but I dunno, 'cause I had one from Last Year and I just started out...

Anyway, that's also where the first piece of candy is. Click on the blue flag to lower it, and raise the candy bar.

Next go to the Dance Lounge. They're showing, "Night of the Living Sled" from last year.

See the lamp in the corner? Click on it to make the Candy corn come up.

Now go to the Lodge Attic.

Click on the blue box to get the Lolipop.

Now head to the Plaza. Everything's lit up.

Click on the cauldron. Then this candy will float to the top.

Head on over to the Cove next.

Click on the warning sign, and a little pumpkin ball will jump out.

Now go to the Iceburg. Strange arorua going on there.

Well, click on it. The caramel will appear.

Next stop: The Beacon.

Wait until Lightening strikes 3 times... Then the Candy Apple will appear.

Finally, go to the book room.

Open up the book and get the candy.

Now you have all the candy. Click on Claim Prize.

You get an awesome Pumkin Patch Background like the one I have.

Happy Haloween!

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