Friday, October 3, 2008

I got the Rainbow Shootout Trophy!

Woah... Yep! I got it! I don't even have Lucky yet either. Here's a picture.
When I got it, I couldn't believe it. I was playing Rainbow Shootout with someone named Pearl, who had challenged me. At the end, I had 9 points, and it suddenly said, "Congradulations, you have earned the Rainbow Shootout trophy." This gives me reason to believe that if you have a high enough score, you can get the trophy even if you were the one who were the one who was challenged, you can get stuff from the Multiplayer Games. Edit: Holy Snot I got the Bombastic Billiards trophy and Insane High score! I'll get some pictures up soon. Thus, you can get it for your game room, and not even need to buy the funkey. Bad business move for Mattel/Radica/Arkadium. Edit: I just found out that even if you have it in your gameroom you need the right funkey in the hub to play. Stay Funkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me to